Monday, December 3, 2012

Happy Birthday to my Hubby!

I can't believe it's already December and that my dear hubby is another year older. He loves it when I tease him about his age :)

Last night me and Bailey did a little photo shoot to create a card for my hubby. I'm thankful for a couple of things - 1) I already had the "D" and "A" letters for our last minute photo shoot idea and 2) we made it through this photo shoot without any accidents on the props (or me). All in all, a complete success!

Dear CT,
Bailey, The Monkeys and I are so very lucky to have you in our lives. You are the hardest working person I know and it drives me crazy sometimes because I wish we could hang out as a family more, but I realize that doesn't pay the bills. You are dedicated to growing successful business(es) and have proven time and time again how great you are at your jobs. You are a wonderful daddy to our Bailey bear and I see how much you love her each and every day. I can't wait to see you raise our daughter over the years, she is a lucky girl to have you as her daddy.

Love you CT!