Sunday, March 11, 2012

Weekend Recap/Early Makeover Monday

I've been such a failure as a blogger lately (amongst other things...working out, cleaning, eating healthy). Ever since I came back from Florida - only a month ago - I've been such a bum! Part of my excuse is that we started another project in our house a few weeks ago and that's pretty much taken up my nights and weekends. The days I'm not working on the new project I feel like relaxing. So the gym and exercise has gone to the wayside for the time being. We're getting close to being done, so hopefully I can get back on track with my eating and working out!!

We had a pretty low key weekend. Friday night, Chris was working and didn't get home until about 9:30 so by the time he was home, ate dinner and took a shower it was nearing 10-10:30. Pretty much this girl's bed time :)

Saturday - we ran some errands in the morning, came home and ate lunch, worked on the project for a little bit and then it was time for him to go to work. He got home earlier Saturday so we got to clear up some space on our DVR. 

Sunday - my dad came down in the morning to work on the project and we worked, worked and worked all day. My dad left around 5:30. Chris left for work around 5:15 and has to close tonight. I feel so bad that he has to work all night. I'm so tired and can't imagine working until about 11. I'll be cleaning up, doing laundry and prepping myself for a long week at work. Yikes!

Here's a sneak peak of some of the elements coming into the room (new project). I can't wait to post before and after pics. We love how much has happened already!
This is what started the whole project. I saw this pin on pinterest and showed it to Chris. He LOVED the idea. This is not our bathroom, but we hope to have something similar. Not white, but stained/poly-ed wood. 

I have a HUGE love/hate relationship with this stuff. I have used it in our basement, refinished a couple of tables and it's making another appearance in our bathroom. I just realized that I totally just gave our project with my first pic ;)

Some new tiles - this is what we spent ALL day installing today

New hardware for our re-furbished cabinets - so in love with how they look!

One of the wall colors - it's an accent color. It looks awesome with our new cabinet/wood color

Well, that's all I can giveaway for now. Hopefully I can show you the finished project in a few weeks.

Hope you have a great week and are enjoying our fabulous March weather! Spring is here!