Saturday, December 15, 2012

1 month

Today Bailey is 1 month old - holy buckets! I can't believe it. 

Here is what she's been up to:
Day 1 - stole our hearts
 Thanksgiving, met lots of cousins and were the cutest little turkey around
 You've had a few baths at home. 1st one you weren't too happy
 2nd bath you were happy as a clam - didn't cry once!
3rd one you did good and we even tried out your new bath tub instead of the kitchen sink (pics are all from the 1st bath)

Got your newborn pics taken - mommy and daddy are obsessed with them (and you)

Did your first round of Christmas baking with these crazies. Yes, you're related to some of them ;) and I was still trying to figure out my goofy face when this was taken...must figure out the "go to" goofy face
Celebrated daddy's 34th birthday (he will probably not be happy that this is noted on the blog)

Went to your first MN Blogger get-together at MOA (also 1st trip to MOA or any mall)

Met Santa (and stole his heart)
Discovered your favorite thing - the ceiling fan. Thank goodness there is one in every bedroom  and the living room
You like to smile now and that melts mommy and daddy to pieces
You also like to make silly faces like this one and it makes us laugh
Your brothers think you're pretty great too and they may think you're made of peanut butter since that was used in the making of this photo...we'll just go with they really love you!
Other things to note

Places you've been: lots of different stores (running errands with mommy), mommy's work to meet co-workers (6 days old!), daddy's work to have lunch with him, a couple of restaurants, MOA, grandma & grandpa's houses

Doctor's Appointments: 1st was Nov 19 to check up on you and your jaundice (you passed, yay!). They also took a whole vile of blood from your little foot and you didn't even flinch. When mommy took your band-aid off later that night you started whimpering. I thought you were pretty silly! The 2nd appt was Nov 26 for your first newborn check. Your weight at the 2nd one was back to your birth weight, but now I think you weigh about 9 lbs and you've definitely grown in the height dept. You don't go back now until you're 2 months old

Sleeping: You slept like a champ after you were here for a few nights. I would wake up about every 2-3 hours (sometimes 4-5 hours!) to feed you. Then a couple of nights ago you had a 3 night stretch of not very good sleeping. Mommy made you stay awake so much yesterday and you slept great last night. I think you need to be awake more during the day to make our nights better.

Eating: You're doing so, so good! You eat about every 3 hours and we don't have any problems with "the latch" like we did at the hospital. Makes mommy so happy!

Clothing: You are still wearing newborn clothing. Not gonna lie, I really thought you would outgrow those clothes by now  but I don't mind you being my little peanut still :)

Things you like: the ceiling fan(s), lights, mommy's hair, mommy's necklace, when mommy and daddy talk to you, your brothers and their kisses (this will probably change), holding daddy's finger, snuggling on daddy's shoulder (he LOVES this), car rides but not when we have to stop, sleeping on your side

Overall, you're such a good baby. We have had a couple of struggles but really nothing we should even complain about so far. You've spoiled us and we are so happy that you are here and part of our lives. We have an exciting month 2 ahead of us! So many great things are in store - meeting great grandpa, Christmas, your baptism and everything that you are going to show us you can do! So excited to see what you'll be up to next month!

Love you Bailey Bear!
-Mommy and Daddy

Monday, December 10, 2012

Bailey's Newborn Pics

I hope everyone had a safe Sunday and survived the crazy ridiculous amount of snow that fell. I'm not a fan of receiving a foot of snow in one day! Luckily I had nowhere I had to be. Bailey and I missed out on seeing Chris's cousin who was here from CO, but I couldn't stand driving in the crap snow and risk something happening to us. So we did nothing at home all day. At least I got this done! 

For your viewing pleasure...

I hope everyone stays safe out there and your commute isn't too bad!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

MN Blogger meet-up and 3 Years of Wedded Bliss

So, I guess I shouldn't quit my day job to be a SAHM and full-time blogger anytime soon cuz I'm really not good at managing time and I've gotten even worse with a little baby in the house.

Anyways, last Tuesday Bailey and I were lucky enough to meet-up with some pretty great girls. I'm stealing all of these pictures since I'm a horrible excuse for a blogger and didn't take any pics. Huge thanks to the amazing Kelly for getting all of these pictures and for taking the most precious pictures of Bailey with Santa. I'm totally biased, but Bailey is probably the cutest thing ever with Santa. I pretty much wanted to wallpaper our house with those Santa pics.

All of us in our ugly sweaters with Santa. I think he was nervous with all of us standing outside his house and then invading it! Pretty sure that doesn't happen every day
It's a tough job being Santa's Little Helper
I've been such a good girl this year (2.5 weeks old), I deserve everything on my list
Ok, Ok - you can have that iPhone 5 you've been asking for so you can listen to your Baby Lullabies

After fun with Santa we searched around the mall for an elevator (that worked) so we could make our way up to the 4th floor to go to Dick's Last Resort. I'd never been there before but knew what it was all about.

The servers are mean and harass you (all on purpose). Definitely a fun place to go with a group of people with a sense of humor. We all got hats with some interesting stuff written on them, even Bailey.
My hat said "Will Flash for Walmart Gift Cards" - Classy, I know :)
Here's all of us with our hats on
All of the other girls did a Secret Santa gift exchange. I didn't sign up just in case I wasn't able to make it and I didn't want someone to not receive a gift. I wish I would've signed up since all of the girls got great gifts! There's always next time :)

Also, Lauren was so nice and baked us all yummy desserts to take home. I was so excited to finally meet her since I love reading her blog. I didn't get a chance to chat with her much, but I know she's a great baker :)

It was such a fun night! I can't wait for our next meet-up. Thanks again Kelly and Carolyn for coordinating this!

December 6 the hubby and I celebrated 3 years of wedded bliss! Not gonna lie, I've already requested a re-do of our anniversary for June 6, 2013 (3.5 years). With a newborn in the house and my husband being crazy busy with his new business venture our anniversary was not that exciting. He worked all day and Bailey and I stayed home and got stuff done around the house. He finally got home around 5:30-6. Got cleaned up and we headed to Mystic Lake Casino for dinner at the Buffet. I'd never been there before and I wasn't that impressed. I didn't enjoy the food that much - Oh well, I know for the future. We came home and exchanged the cards we got for each other and closed out the night watching The Voice so we're all caught up now. Super exciting, I know! We decided our gift to each other was getting pics of our family/Bailey's newborn pics. We spend so much money in the month of December that it's always hard to justify getting each other more gifts! I can't wait for our picture wall to be complete. I ordered the pics today so hopefully next week I'll get time to work on it.

Bailey's newborn pics are coming soon. I'm hoping for a post on Monday to showcase those :)

Monday, December 3, 2012

Happy Birthday to my Hubby!

I can't believe it's already December and that my dear hubby is another year older. He loves it when I tease him about his age :)

Last night me and Bailey did a little photo shoot to create a card for my hubby. I'm thankful for a couple of things - 1) I already had the "D" and "A" letters for our last minute photo shoot idea and 2) we made it through this photo shoot without any accidents on the props (or me). All in all, a complete success!

Dear CT,
Bailey, The Monkeys and I are so very lucky to have you in our lives. You are the hardest working person I know and it drives me crazy sometimes because I wish we could hang out as a family more, but I realize that doesn't pay the bills. You are dedicated to growing successful business(es) and have proven time and time again how great you are at your jobs. You are a wonderful daddy to our Bailey bear and I see how much you love her each and every day. I can't wait to see you raise our daughter over the years, she is a lucky girl to have you as her daddy.

Love you CT!