Friday, October 19, 2012

Friday's Letters


Dear blog friends/followers - Sorry I've been slacking BIG time in the blogging department lately. I was sick for 2 weeks which did not help my usual slacker self at all.

Dear crazy pregnant lady (self) – Your hormones are waaaay out of wack and make you seem crazy(er) than you already are. You have developed this habit of laughing uncontrollably at random (non funny) things. Like, can’t move from the couch or you will pee you pants, tears rolling down your face, sounding like a walrus from heaving in air before you pass out kind of uncontrollable laughter. This has happened way too many times lately and it’s kind of embarrassing. Luckily the only ones to really witness this are the dogs and your husband…but still, it’s embarrassing. I guess husband is most likely happy that you’re laughing and not crying or yelling at him…
Dear cashiers at Joann and Office Max – when I purchase paper products (single pieces of scrapbook paper and/or poster board) I do not wish for you to try to roll/fold/bend it into a bag for my inconvenience. When you ask me if I want it in a bag and I tell you no, please listen and don’t roll my paper up so it’s now wrinkled and bent. I didn’t think this was a hard thing to understand, but I guess it is. Plus, large poster board just won’t fit into a small plastic bag.
Dear never-ending to do lists – although husband and I took quite a few things down last weekend, there is still sooo much to do. It’s crazy. You would think I haven’t been doing anything for the past 8 months to prep for baby with how much I still have want to get done. I guess I know what I’ll be doing this weekend
Dear MEA – thank you for happening, you made my drive to work this morning so much better even when it was raining which usually makes for a huge traffic mess. I made it here soooo much faster than I usually do.
Dear weekend - I'm so happy that you're almost here. We don't have much planned except to cross more off of our to-do list. I plan to savor my pre-baby time and take advantage of every minute of it, even if it's spent relaxing on the couch watching the 1st season of Glee on Amazon prime (newly addicted).
What are your plans for the weekend?

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Maternity Pics

So, last Monday we went to a local park and had my s-i-l take some pics of us for our maternity shots. I love the way sooo many of them turned out. I was scared (for her) - since Chris and I are just not photo people....she did amazing! My favorite pics include the baby's name which we're not sharing until she's here so those will have to wait. Taking my favorite pics was also the best part of the photoshoot. It involved me laying on my back in the grass, block letters with the name on it resting on my belly and my s-i-l crawling on the ground to get a good angle. I then started laughing and couldn't stop laughing so the blocks kept falling off my belly. Good thing she is patient!!

Anyways, here are some of my favorites. I can't believe it took me this long to get these posted!
These are in the beginning - we look like we're standing as far apart as possible but we look happy

I stink at knowing where/how to place my hands in pics...s-i-l was a good help at resolving this problem

We look squinty since we're looking into the sun - but the sign looks super cute!

Chris's favorite pic of me - I wish my hair was doing something different

This one cracks me up since Chris is making a goofy face in it

My niece helped pick out some of the clothing to use - little baby clothes are adorable!

Little baby girl shoes - so frickin cute!

I'm so happy we were able to get some pics of us before she's here. I plan to do a mini photoshoot in the nursery involving the pups in the near future. I have a pretty cute idea in my head that I hope translates to being cute in a picture :) Chris will get to test out his photo skills...yikes!