Friday, August 12, 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday

Go on over to Lauren's blog
The Little Things We Do
to play along!

1.   My most favorite birthday was  my 28th (just last Sunday). My hubby surprised me with a trip to Chicago for the weekend! This involved booking a hotel (free due to a good friend we know!), coordinating with my boss to have Monday off, finding/planning stuff for us to do, coordinating with my parents to act like we were having dinner together on Saturday - even though we would be gone and keeping the secret from me, and collecting b-day gifts from family members so I could open them on my b-day!
2.  My worst birthday was   my 18th when me and a friend of mine decided to go to Canada to celebrate (it was like 3 hours away and the drinking age was 18 - party!). Let's just say there was a DUI, night in jail, calling my brother to come pick us up and my car was impounded for 30 days - IN CANADA. Luckily, I did not get the DUI or spend the night in jail but  that definitely goes down as the most extreme high and low in about 12 hours!

3.  My favorite birthday memory is   going to Happy Joe's pizza for my b-day party when I was younger (maybe 8-ish) and then I think we went to the zoo too. I just remember Happy Joe's and my friends and I all got ice cream treats for dessert.

4.  The best birthday present I've ever received was the picture frame from my sister-in-law (Whit) that has Nacho Average Nachos engraved on it. Every time  I look at that frame (with a picture of Chris and I eating nachos early in our relationship) it cracks me up. We're so weird and goofy!

5.  The  best birthday present I've ever given was    probably the "Dino Dan" vest I got my nephew this year for his b-day. He was super excited about it and it made me happy cuz I never know what to get him and he seemed to really like it.

6.  Birthdays are  still fun for me to look forward to. I'm sure in about 10 years I will dread when August rolls around it's another year to tack on :)
7.  My favorite age so far has been   22. That's the age I was when Chris and I started dating, I started my first "grown-up" job and I graduated college! That was a pretty monumental year for me.
I hope everyone has a great weekend! I finally got my computer back and I'm hoping to get some blogs going with pictures again, yay!

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