Monday, November 26, 2012

the good, the bad & the ugly

Let me start by saying that ultimately my weekend was great and I had a ton of fun seeing my family...but there were a few less than stellar moments :)

You can link-up too with Kati and Kate

The Good: We got to see my bro and his family on Thanksgiving. They make one trip to the cities/year and we make one trip to Minot, ND/year so it's always good to see them

The Bad: My niece and nephew (the younger of the 2 on that side) are great kids, but when they're amped up on a sugar high, throw in my parent's dog who barks constantly in a shrill high pitched bark and they're a little much for aunt Becky. Especially when there's a week old baby in the house...

The Ugly: To say my hubby took one for the team this weekend is probably the understatement of the year. This was how he spent his whole afternoon/evening at my parent's house on Thursday. 

Human jungle gym and favorite person to play games against
The Good: I took my bro and s-i-l to Costco to get a few things on Friday night. I also picked up a nice, comfy electric blanket. It's soooo cozy!
Hubs and Bailey testing out the new blanket,  I'd say it  passes the nap test
The Bad: I also picked up these. I had granola bars in my cart and decided that Jelly Bellys were a better option for the same price (seriously, I paid under $12 for 4lbs of jelly beans - unheard of!)

The Ugly: I can't quit eating the Jelly Bellys and my hubby doesn't seem to be as obsessed with them as I am. The only answer is to keep eating them until they're gone or maybe that's just my solution :)

The Good: We got Bailey's newborn pics done on Saturday morning. She did great and slept the whole time like little babies are supposed to during the newborn shoot. I can't wait to see/share them!

The Bad: I realized on the way to the photo shoot that we were bad parents and completely forgot the diaper bag. Whoops! Pulled into Walgreens and got diapers and wipes and shoved them in my purse. Get to photo shoot and get Bailey out, and see the diaper bag sitting on the floor under her car seat. Oh well, at least we were only a couple minutes late~

The Ugly: When we were taking a picture with Bailey, Chris was holding her and she pooped in his hand. It was pretty hilarious and I'm sure there will be some really great pics of me laughing hysterically at my husband's expense

The Good: My fridge got a squeaky clean make-over!

The Bad: Said make-over was brought on by the fridge/freezer not working on Saturday afternoon so everything had to be removed from it and brought outside which then lead to a deep cleaning session. It's working now, but I'm not sure for how long or how well. 

The Ugly: I think some water has been leaking and the wood floor near the fridge feels wavy so this may ultimately lead to replacing floors at some point in the future. 

The Good: I got to spend all day (after sleeping in until 10:00 Sunday morning!) hanging with my favorite little girl. We cleaned, did laundry, and ate way too many jelly beans had a visitor (Jen) stop by to see us

The Bad: Well, maybe only one of us did the cleaning and laundry. The other one slept, ate and pooped/peed all day. She also had company with the sleeping part. You take a guess of who did what...
Kirby loves the boppy and loves to lay by me and Bailey when we're feeding

The Ugly: Hubby had to work all day Sunday. I know he needs to work so we can continue to pay our bills, but we sure do miss him a lot when he's gone! At least he doesn't work all day today and we can all hang out together!

I hope you had a great Thanksgiving weekend and didn't have too many bad and ugly moments!


  1. I laughed out loud at the pic of your husband taking one for the team... and at the description of the newborn photo shoot! It will be fun to see those pics!

    BTW- Bailey is a great name... I remember you saying you had chosen kind of a family name?

    1. LOL...your poor husband. Too funny...but, what a champ for taking one for the team. Looks like he's getting some good practice in for when Bailey gets a bit older. :)

      Can't wait to see her newborn pics. :)

  2. Sounds like a GREAT weekend to me!! Love the photos of little Bailey and the jelly beans? Hilarious! Can't wait to see the photos of the newborn shoot :-)

  3. I love the pooping story! HAHA So funny! :) Can't wait to see all the pics! That's too bad about the fridge... hopefully the floor damage isn't too bad!

  4. i cant wait to see NB pics!!

    oh and i think i recall you laughing about avrie pooping in the tub on my IG account... so i am now laughing about the pooping in hubby's hand! haha you just WAIT for the bath poop! ;)

    glad things are going so well, she seems like a perfect little baby!

  5. Sounds like a great weekend!! mmm jelly beans are so good :) and that is too funny the she pooped in your husbands hand!!

  6. Oh my - you were certainly busy this weekend! It sounds like it was fun, even amidst the crazy :)

    Thanks for linking up with us today! xo

  7. Sounds like a crazy weekend - but definitely a fun one! So fun to find Minnesota bloggers, since that's my home state! :)

    Thanks for linking up with us! Happy Monday!
